Hello dumballers.
For the first of our Dumball 6 blogs I thought I'd address the fact that this year we have set every team the target of raising £2000. Now we know this won't be easy...but we also know that it is 100% possible. Why? Because dumball one does it every year - and we are a measly team of two.
You just have to ask yourself these questions? 1) Do you WANT to raise £2000? 2) Do you have over 50 friends on facebook who you know quite well?

And if you need more reason to raise the required amount...think this. All things said and done your team will have spent over £2000 having the week of your life. You could of just stayed at home and given away that money - but then your not that nice are you? So to redress the balance of the Universe - raise the cash you're going to spend. Lets make the rally "selfish fun neutral"
Remember - anything is possible!
THE 2010 BLOG:
On Friday afternoon, I was sat at work, and I looked at our miserbale funraising total - just £220. Now as we all know this year we have set the dumball a ridiculous challenge - for all of us to try and raise £1000 (each!). Other charity rallys have done it - and we want to be one of the best, so we thought, why not?
Now I must admit it was highly embrassing to look at our page, with such a low amount, this close to the dumball. And so I decided to take our own advice. I sat down, logged onto facebook, and sent 50 tailor made messages to friends, family, acquaintances, and people that I just happen to be mates with on facebook (you know the sort). It took me about an hour, but it was well worth it. By the end of the day I had raised an extra £650. Now we're talking...and it was so easy! I just said hello, asked how they were doing, added some comments specific to them, then hit them with it: I'm targeting 50 of the most generous people I know, and asking them all for £20. But here's the best bit...some gave £30, some £50...some £100! Amazing. I urge you all to give this a try, if you haven't, your not making life easy on yourself - it was so simple.
The target we have set ourselves is ridiculously high - but everyone has hundreds of friends on facebook - so lets tap them up for cash...and it's a great way to catch up with people!
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