Sunday 27 May 2012

Today is all about driving.

But that doesn't mean we didn't find time for lunch by the sea.

We're getting to know the A14 very well. Apart from a few accidentally-on-purpose detours, it's this one road all day. But we're on a mission - we've got to get to Bari by 9 or we miss the ferry, and the next one is not for 3 days. There is a plan B: back up the whole of Italy, through Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and into Albania that way. That should take about 2 days, so definitely a bonus.

But that's not gonna happen. We're about 3 hours, and we're not planning any more unexpected events... Speaking of which, the 'hell' squadron have had another set back- a flat tyre on Mario Katy. Not a major issue, you might think, but when your on a tight schedule, no ones checked the spare and you can't find a jack these things can be a deal breaker!

We've now on the coast road, so things may get a bit more interesting from here- and ahead the ferry to Albania, and we all know what that means...

...actually we don't. If you do, please let us know asap. We really don't have a clue what we're doing.

1 comment:

  1. Jackie Skinner27 May 2012 at 20:04

    Er, I thought part of Dumball philosophy was not to know what you're doing? It's probably best that way I should think! Enjoy, whatever!
