Monday 4 June 2012

And then there was one...

Just Ecto1 left now. The cars have been handed over to the Ukrainian

The monkey returned after extensive facial reconstruction surgery.
Everyone saw in sunrise after the epic final party which was a huge
success - and we announced that we had raised over £82,000 for the
Teenage Cancer Trust. Brilliant! An amazing feat, made possible by
you. It's not too late to donate- head to
and click on your favourite team to donate. Every penny you give goes
direct to TCT, and young adults in their specialists units everywhere
thank you.

Most dumballers are either on a plane back to blighty or off to Odessa
central for a final night in Ukraine. A few stay on, a few drive back.
But this bit's not in the manual, and the dumball is officially over
for another year. This was a huge dumball.

dumball one, over and out.

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