Sunday 12 September 2010


Hey all - Zoobs here..

Well.. bloody hell.. another year down. I'm currently sat in the hotel in Palermo with a few of the last stragglers from this year's Dumball. General consensus is that this year has been pretty much awesome :)

The last few days have been a bit of a daze, culminating in the most fabulous closing ceremony in an open-air, beach-side nightclub (thankfully the weather held off!) I'm sure pics will be forthcoming from someone, so once I've figured out where they are, I'll probably link them up for you to all see.

So many things happened over the last week that it's just impossible to relay even a small portion of them to you. Suffice to say, there are currently just under 100 people in various stages of heading back to the UK (and various stages of hangover) all wondering the same thing...

"what the hell just happened....."

Anyway, this year has seen many new faces and many returning old-hands. I'm sure you'll all join me in thanking Rick and Nick for their absolutely sterling efforts, (along with the Dumball Committee) and we'll see you all for the next one



  1. Many thanks for keeping us(anxious parents!) up to date with all the activity and well done to all of you, especially the organisers.

  2. Spot on Mr Zubel........I was impressed in Brighton, even more so at the close in Sicily, fantastic amount of effort from all who assisted with organising of a truly remarkable event....
