Thursday 9 September 2010

Greece and beyond

Morning all!

We're in Greece, at a lovely hotel right by the sea at the foot of Mount Olympus, and it's bloody hot.
Yesterday was a usual eventful Dumball day. Prishtina is an interesting city - one thing that they are desperately in need of are innovative marketing companies. Frankly, the petrol company cunning called "Petrol Company" was our first clue. However, after taking a wander around the city in the evening that was certainly not the only example of obviously named companies.

We ended up celebrating in the hotel - apparently they have recently introduced laws that force all of the beverage entertainment locations to shut at midnight. However, with a little negotiation with the hotel staff, they finally agreed to keep the hotel bar open for "as long as necessary". They obviously haven't looked up the Dumball before.

In the morning, we left Prishtina and headed south towards Macedonia. Our first stop of the day was at a petrol station to fill up the cars. Whilst there, we got a little American Football in with the locals, which they seemed to enjoy almost as much as us.

We then headed on to the Macedonian border, which was the usual "border tax" situation, followed by lots of arm-waving and gesticulating. Luckily, the fact our V5 isn't entirely accurate in terms of owner didn't hold us up at the border.

Heading into Macedonia, we picked up the toll road and continued south. The road was pretty much deserted, which allowed us to pull off some amazing manoevers with the cars. A quick hug of a policeman, riding a local's vehicle and trying to nick a police car later, we cross the border into Greece. (Thanks Macedonia - that €50 insurance was worth every penny for the two hours we were there!)

Finally reach the hotel pretty early doors - around 5.30pm, once we had moved our clocks forward again an hour. Had a swim on the pool, a bite to eat in the local all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant, then we headed down to the beach for a party, finally hitting the sack at around 4am.

So now, I'm up and about getting ready to depart. (The rest of the Dumball crew are hanging on til about 4, but I'm off with Dan and Mat to head to Igoumenitsa to meet my parents for the afternoon. We'll hook up with the rest of the Dumball as we get onto the ferry to Brindisi.

Oh - we did lose two more cars yesterday. General Lee died with a head gasket problem, and I believe the Ben's Angels car suffered a bijou tappette to the front end which rendered it a little broken. (Don't worry - everyone is fine!) I think that brings our total to 4 down now, which is pretty good considering the terrain we've been going over.

Anyhow. Must have a beer. It's at least 10.20am now and my alcohol-stream has a high blood content. At least Des is driving!



1 comment:

  1. Prishtina have got it right, when I first arrived in the UK I went to Boots, Currys, Superdrugs, Kentucky Fried Chicken, none of them sold what I went in for...
