Friday 10 September 2010

The dumball has landed.

DELAYED FROM EARLIER - WE'RE HERE! Explain more tomorrow...
So, we're nearly there... Nearly. About 300km and 1 ferry to go. In palermo a plush hotel and disco awaits.
Unfortunately the pool on the ferry wasn't open overnight so there wasn't a huge amount to do, although the casino was and some people stayed up a little too late gambling and may be regretting it slightly now...
We set off from the ferry in a full dumball snake but that quickly broke off into various factions. A few people are nipping into airports to pick WAGS, while we have got one of ours on route and have grabbed Adriana from a services where she was waiting with her family. Space is at rather a premium in the Space Police now...
As we hit the northern coast of southern europe we found a nice little restaurant and had a fine italian meal, aided by our new found local.
And there she is! We're in the queue for the ferry...
...and now we're through the ferry, but with the amount of tunnels on this road it looks like i won't see it till we get there, current ETA 21:30 and it's all over for another year.

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